
My JFK-Bureau

For over thirty years I have carefully collected and saved in boxes my collection pieces, partly for lack of space, partly of time. Thus only few exemplars were kept hanging or standing at home.
Only recently I had the opportunity of building up my collection - just for my private pleasure - at our small holiday cottage.

On the first floor I have assembled my little museum of two rooms: first, my office with a beautiful replica of the JFK Resolute desk, a wall of shelves full of books (illustrated and essays) almost exclusively on the subject of John F. Kennedy and many other related items on display everywhere.
The adjacent room is furnished with showcases and cabinets arranged by topics: coins, medals, buttons and other memorabilia. Besides, contemporary history documents as newspapers, magazines, papers of the Senate and of the JFK presidential term.

Bureau room view

JFK bureau

Sight from JFK desk

Bureau room library

From bureau room to showcase room

Showcase room

William Rice Vitrine


JFK statue in Boston realsize cardboard

JFK statue in Hyannis Port realsize cardboard