Harvey Goldberg

Harvey Goldberg
Kennedy Political Items Collectors

I am very pleased to be asked to write an introduction to Peter Klages’ book. Peter and I have become friends and communicate regularly about our common interest in U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

Peter has become a member of the KPIC – Kennedy Political Items Collectors – and has been a contributor to our newsletter, sharing his interest with our other members with stories and pictures of his collecting.

Peter has been a collector of Kennedy memorabilia for many years and continues to be very active and enthusiastic. His collection is outstanding and his dedication to the memory of John F. Kennedy is to be admired. Peter not only adds to his collection but studies each addition to learn of its history and background. His travels to places where JFK had traveled add to his knowledge of the 35th President of the United States and to enjoyment of his collection.

I wish him continued enjoyment and success in building one of the finest collections of Kennedy-related material anywhere.

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